Broken Glass by Catherine Maven Copyright © 2000 completed May 2009 She missed the road and had to retrace her route three times before she spotted the twin lines of broken pavement among the weeds off to the right of the highway. She pulled the car over onto the scanty shoulder, turned it off, cranked the parking brake, got out and climbed clumsily over the guardrail, sliding down the slight embankment in her city shoes. Stupid , she thought. I should have worn runners . Except who'd have guessed they'd have moved the actual road, leaving the street that led to the church to be consumed by weeds and wildflowers? It wasn't too surprising, though, when you thought about it. It had been a long time since a church had been a reason to divert a highway. She followed the crumbling street, hardly noticing the warm summer sun on her shoulders or the breeze lifting her hair just enough to cool her neck. She was preoccupied with thoughts and memories. This was a jour...

Here I'll share some of my writing - short stories, essays, fables, and poetry. I used to work as the Regional Reporter for 5 weekly newspapers in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Some of my poetry has also been published. I have a number of books for sale on Amazon. Search by "Catherine Maven". My sci-fi novel, "Ex-Betty" made it to the Quarter-Finals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest.