by Catherine Maven Copyright © 2005 What is it that we need most in our life? What have we searched for, suffered for, delighted in, lost or found ourselves in? That’s right! Beer! First, of course, we experienced "puppy-beer", that first taste of the forbidden, the heady discovery of needs and desires in ourselves that mere pop won’t quench. Puppy-beer is a bitter-sweet experience, the awkward satisfaction of a nebulous wish. You’ll never forget your first beer. Then, of course, the first flush of beer wears off, and you wonder what all the fuss was about. It seems anyone can have a beer, and sharing a beer means less to some people than to you. But when you try to give it up, when you try to go back to the days-before-beer, you find you can't. Something in you has changed. Beer had become a...

Here I'll share some of my writing - short stories, essays, fables, and poetry. I used to work as the Regional Reporter for 5 weekly newspapers in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Some of my poetry has also been published. I have a number of books for sale on Amazon. Search by "Catherine Maven". My sci-fi novel, "Ex-Betty" made it to the Quarter-Finals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest.