by Catherine Maven Copyright © 1989 Once upon a time in a small village was born a baby girl. At first, she seemed like a normal baby, even happier and more easy-going than most babies. The trouble really didn't begin until the little girl learned to talk. While up until that time she had appeared to be a normal child, and perhaps even intelligent, once she learned the question "Why?" she seemed to lose touch with reality and retreat into her own world. For there were no other questions that she ever asked once she'd learned to ask "Why?" And while it was amusing at the beginning, as it is when all children start asking that question, it soon became apparent that there was something seriously wrong with this little girl. People soon forgot her real name and began calling her Why. She began to be treated as the Village Fool, and that she appeared to be. Her parents were in despair. For because she never asked the question "What?...

Here I'll share some of my writing - short stories, essays, fables, and poetry. I used to work as the Regional Reporter for 5 weekly newspapers in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Some of my poetry has also been published. I have a number of books for sale on Amazon. Search by "Catherine Maven". My sci-fi novel, "Ex-Betty" made it to the Quarter-Finals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest.